Become magnetic to high quality, emotionally available men

If you're ready for dating to stop feeling like an emotional rollercoaster & instead feel chosen and prioritized by an emotionally intelligent man who's on your level, you're in the right place!

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Get Ready To

  • ​Overcome painful love patterns — Attract higher quality men who are ACTUALLY ready for commitment
  • ​​Create a crystal clear vision for love — Know your boundaries, needs & desires + how to communicate them, and feel at ease, relaxed, and confident in dating and love

  • ​​Create intimacy with your body & emotions — Feel empowered in your body and grounded in your emotions
  • ​Attract emotionally intelligent men — Become magnetic to men who have a vision for their life and take the lead, so you feel provided for and protected
  • ​​Consciously date — Stop wasting time on the wrong men, and only spend time with men who are aligned with your highest values

As Seen On:

Hi, I'm Lee

Hi, I'm Lee

Go-To Intimacy Coach & Psychedelic Therapist for powerful women and Co-Founder of Aligned Attraction. 

For most of my adult life, I struggled with love. 

Despite being 'successful' in every other area of my life, I just couldn't seem to break the pattern of attracting men who didn't want commitment, were emotionally unavailable, or who I wasn't interested in. 

It wasn't until I discovered the root cause of my patterns and made the key shifts you're about to learn in the video inside, that I was able to meet my now life partner (and Co-Founder of Aligned Attraction), Ani. 

We've built a relationship that is wildly passionate and heart-throbbingly deep...

And we want to show you how to do that -- with a man who's committed and ready to take the lead! 

So how exactly did I attract my dream man? 

I did this using...

The Aligned Attraction Method

This powerful and effective 4 part process helps you attract (and keep) committed masculine men…

Without dating burnout, cycling through men who can’t match you, or settling for mediocre relationships.

I’ve combined nearly a decade of research on relationships and lived experience to create this unique approach to dating and love, that has not just transformed my life - but the lives of dozens of my clients who are now in their own power couple partnerships. 

The best part?

It’s been designed specifically for high achieving, ambitious women (just like you).

And it works!

Ready For Love Like This?

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